Cooperative Research Centres and Sectoral Systems of Innovation: a typology based on the Spanish case

Autor principal:
Inés Andújar Nagore
Sandro Giachi
Sesión 2
Día: viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013
Hora: 11:45 a 14:15
Lugar: E2SEM2

This paper develops a typology of Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) in Spain through the sectoral system of innovation (SSI) approach. A CRC is a type of R&D organization that joins different public and private R&D actors and carries out collaborative market-oriented research on areas of industrial relevance (CREST, 2008). From the SSI perspective, CRCs can be thought as a type of interaction among heterogeneous agents ─private companies, universities and research organizations, and government─ structured by formal collaborative R&D arrangements. Based on this approach, we suggest an empirical-based typology of CRCs in Spain that distinguishes four main types of centres: (1) “Small potential innovators”; (2) “Transnational potential innovators”; (3) “Local technological developers” and (4) “Transnational technological developers”. The first two types ─1 and 2─ would have a knowledge base and human resources more academic and scientifically specialised, while the other types ─3 and 4─ would use a more technical knowledge. On the other hand, types 2 and 4 would have a greater proportion of large firm partners and a more open and international demand, while types 1 and 3 would have a greater proportion of small firm partners and a demand more domestic and local. We also evidence some connections between types of CRCs and sectors of economic activity and regions. Our findings are a first step towards a better understanding of CRCs in Spain to design possible public policies.

Palabras clave: Cooperative Research Centres, R&D, sectoral system of innovation